> Order processing (SOP & POP) / Sales_Order_Processing / Creating_and_Editing / To create a sales order

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To create a sales order

Accounts Professional only

The Sales Order Processing module provides you with all of the functions you need to produce sales orders for your products and service and you can use it to create, allocate, despatch and print sales orders.

To complete the Sales Order Details tabOpen this section

  1. Open the Customers module > Sales Order List.

    Select the action you want to take:

    • Create a sales order Click New/Edit Order.
    • Edit a sale order Select the order from Sales Order Processing list > New/Edit Order.
  2. Enter the order header details:


    Use the drop-down list to select the type of sales order you want to create. For example, you can create an order or a pro-forma.

    Order No,

    When you create a new sales order, <Auto Number> appears in this box. Sales order numbers are not assigned until the order has been saved.

    The first time you create and save a sales order, it is assigned the number 1. Each time you create and save a sales order, the order number is increased by one.

    Note: If you want to manually enter your order numbers you need to change your software's Lock Autonumber setting.


    The software date is entered for you but you can change it if necessary. Use the Calendar to enter a different date or type a date directly into the box.

    Inv. Ref

    When you update the sales order to an invoice, the last invoice number relating to the sales order appears.


    Enter the customer account reference here. If you enter an existing account reference, the customer's name and address appear automatically. If you enter an account code that is not already set up, a list appears. You can then select the account you require or, to create a new customer record, click New.

    If the Display Account Status option is checked in the Parameters tab of the Company Preferences window (Settings > Company Preferences), your software gives you a warning if the customer account you have selected has been put on hold on the customer record.

    If you need to change the address of the customer account, you can edit it in the Address box in the top left-hand corner of the Details window. Any changes that you make do not change the address saved on the customer record.

    Item No.

    This shows the number of the item that is currently highlighted. For example, if there are ten item lines and the cursor is currently on the second line, this box shows 2 of 10.

    If you are working with foreign currencies a RateOpen this section box appears on this window.

  3. Enter the product items sold, one line of the order per product:

    Product Code

    Enter a product code that you have previously created in the Products module or use the drop-down list to locate the required product.

    In addition to the normal product codes you can also enter special non-product codes, where:

    • S1 - Non-product item with price and VAT amount - Tax Code T1
    • S2 - Non-product item that is exempt for VAT - Tax Code T0
    • S3 - Special service item that is tax chargeable - Tax Code T1 - Accounts Professional users only. Use this code to add service items to a product invoice.
    • M - Non-product item with additional message but no price or VAT amount. Use the message box - that is, the product code M, to add any text in the main body of the sales order.

    You cannot change the product code on a sales order if the order shows an allocated or despatched quantity for that product.

    If you open an existing order that contains products with allocated or despatched quantities, the product code is not enabled, and you cannot change it using the drop-down list, or by overtyping.

    In order to change the product code on an order if it has an allocated quantity, you must first reverse the allocation using the Amend option.

    If a product shows a despatched quantity, you must reverse the despatch manually, taking the customer and stock into account where appropriate, and re-enter an order as you require.


    The description of your product, from the product record, appears here, but you can change this, if required.

    Double-click in this box, or press F3 to apply one-off product details.


    Enter the quantity of stock you are selling. The Net and VAT boxes are automatically calculated for you from the price details you have entered in the product record.


    The unit price from the product record appears here. If a special product code has been entered, the value entered in the Edit Item Line window appears here. You can amend these values if necessary.

    Note: If you edit the unit price so that it is less than the cost price on the Product record, a warning message appears.


    Displays the amount the item has been reduced by as a result of discounts that have been awarded, such as a good customer discount.

    You can change the amount by keying in a new discount amount. Alternatively with the item line selected you can press F3 to open the Edit Item Line where you can amend the discount.

    Discount %

    Displays the total percentage discount that the customer receives. The total can be made up of good customer, quantity or invoice value discounts.

    You can change the discount by keying in a new discount percentage. Alternatively with the item line selected you can press F3 to open the Edit Item Line where you can amend the discount.

    Note: The Discount and Discount % columns are only displayed if your software is set to do this.


    The net value is calculated automatically and cannot be edited.


    The VAT amount appears here automatically and cannot be edited here.

  4. To enter Item detailsOpen this section

    1. Double-click in the Description field or press F3.
    2. In the boxes provided, enter or amend the item line details.


      Product Code

      This box automatically displays the product code you have chosen.

      If you want to link to the product record associated with a specific product code, click the drill-down button beside the code.


      Enter the unit type here. For example, you may sell items by sheet or roll.


      The product description as entered on the product record appears here. You can change this if you want to.

      Comment 1 / 2

      You can enter any additional comments you may have regarding product items here.

      Order Reference

      Enter a reference for the order. When you complete the order, this reference transfers to the item line of the product invoice.

      Order Line Reference

      This shows this item’s position on the order. You cannot change this here.

      This number is only used by the Transaction Email option.



      The quantity displayed on the Sales Order Details tab appears here but you can override this, if necessary.

      If you have selected the Allow Negative Stock check box on the Parameters tab of the Company Preferences window - Company > Settings menu, your software gives you a warning if you do not have enough stock, unless it is set as a non-stock item in the product record.

      Unit Price

      This is the sales price per unit that is taken from the product record. You may amend it for this sales order, if necessary.

      If you enter the gross amount here, you can make your software calculate the VAT amount and the corresponding net amount by clicking Calc Net.

      Discount %

      The discount entered here is the total percentage of discount that the customer receives, as set up on the Customer Record Defaults tab.

      You can amend this if you require. To see how this discount is made up, click Discounts. The Discount Breakdown window appears.


      This shows the value of the discount that the customer receives, based on the percentage of discount above. You can amend this, if necessary.


      This box shows the net value for the current item. It is calculated by multiplying the quantity by the net unit price, including any discount. You cannot amend this value.


      This box displays the amount of VAT calculated for this item, according to the default VAT code from the product record.

      If you have selected the Override product tax code in invoicing check box on the customer record, the customer's default tax code is used to calculate the VAT.

      You can edit this value if you have selected the Item VAT Amendable check box on the VAT tab in Settings > Company Preferences.

      Posting Details

      Nominal Code

      If you have added a product to the order, the defaults set on the customer’s record dictate which nominal code is suggested for use. This is either the nominal code from the product record or from the customer’s record.

      If you have added a special product code, the nominal code from the customer’s record appears here. You can also change the displayed nominal code if required. The code entered here is used, when you generate an invoice from this sales order.

      If you want to transfer individual items on the order separately to the nominal ledger, then you need to include a nominal code entry for every item on the order. You can amend the nominal code that appears here, if necessary.

      You can use the drop-down list to display a list of nominal accounts.

      If you want to group the whole order to just one nominal code, any code entered in this box is overwritten by the entry you make for Nominal Account in the Global area of the Sales Order Footer tab.

      If you group your order to one nominal account, when you update the ledgers with details from the product invoice that is generated from this sales order, only one line appears on the audit trail.


      This shows the default department for the product record.

      Like the nominal and tax codes described above, department numbers can be entered by line item or for the order transaction as a whole. You can only group the whole order to one department if you are also analysing it to one nominal code.

      If you want to break down the order across departments for each line item, then each item must have its own department number. You can amend this if necessary.

      If you want to analyse the entire order to one department number, any department entered in this box is overwritten by the entry you make for Department in the Global area of the Sales Order Footer tab.

      Tax Code

      This is the default tax code for the product. If you have selected the Use Default Tax Code for Sales check box on the customer record, the customer's default tax code appears here.

      You can either analyse the VAT on each item of the sales order to its appropriate VAT rate code, or you can analyse the whole order to just one code. You can only analyse the whole order to one VAT code, if you are also analysing it to one nominal code.

      If you want to analyse each item of the order separately, select the VAT rate code you require from the drop-down list box for each item line. If you want to analyse the whole order to just one VAT code, any code entered in this box is overwritten by the entry you make for Tax Code in the Global area of the Sales Order Footer tab.

      If you analyse your order to one code, when you update the ledgers with details from the product invoice that is generated from this sales order, only one line appears on the audit trail.

      Additional Information

      Line Information

      Enter any additional information about the item line in this box.

      Price List

      If you want to view the different price lists or special customer prices that are available for the selected product, click Price List.

      Item Status


      Your software automatically enters the quantity of stock that is currently allocated for this product.


      Your software automatically enters the quantity of stock that has been despatched.

      To Deliver

      Your software automatically enters the quantity still left to deliver here.


      Shows the number of items that have been Intrastat confirmed.

      Note: This box only appears if you have enabled Intrastat reporting in Invoice and Order Defaults.

      Due Date

      Use the Due Date Calendar to enter an expected due date, if appropriate.

    3. When you have entered your Item Line details, to return to the Product Sales Order window, click OK.
  5. To apply a net value discount, in the Deductions area, double-click in the Description box, enter a description to include information related to the net value discount and enter a Discount value (Disc.)

  6. Check the totals. View details of how these totals are calculated.Open this section

To complete the Order Details tabOpen this section

Delivery Address

The address that will appear at the bottom of a printed order.

If a default delivery address has been set for the customer, then this is displayed for use.

You can store several address for the customer, which can be call on when required. Click Change to select a different address from the list or set up different addresses.

Note: If you are dealing with a customer who wants the goods delivered to a country that is different the country of their registered address, select an address with care as there are VAT implications associated with the tax code linked to addresses.

You can enter a delivery address directly by typing into the box.

Tax Code - Accounts Plus and Accounts Professional only

Displays the tax code assigned to the delivery address when the country the goods are to be delivered to is different to the customer's registered address. The registered address is stored on the customer's record.

The tax code determines the rate of VAT the invoice attracts based on the where the goods are to be delivered.


Enter up to three lines of notes here that relate to the whole order, for example to record any special delivery requirements.

DUNS Number

The DUNS Number (Data Universal Numbering System) is a nine digit number, used to identify a business.

Use of this numbering system to identify a business is to ensure compatibility with Zanzibar, the UK Government e-purchasing portal.

Every e-order and e-invoice that passes through Zanzibar must include a DUNS number.

Customer Order No.

Enter your customer’s order number here.

Customer Tel. No.

Your customer’s telephone number appears here automatically. You can change this if you wish.

Customer Contact

The name of the person you set up as the contact on the Customer Record appears here automatically.

If you wish, you can change this to record the name of the person who placed this particular sales order.

Order Taken By

Enter the name of the person who took the order here. If you are using the Access Rights to restrict access to your software’s options, your Logon Name appears here.

Sales Order Status- Accounts Professional only

Allocation - when you allocate stock to this sales order, your software automatically enters the allocation status of the order here.

Despatch - this shows the despatch status of the order, when you despatch the products for this order.

Due - you can enter an estimated despatch date for the sales order here, if you wish. This is for reporting purposes only. Use the Calendar to help you select the date you require.

To complete the Footer details tabOpen this section

CarriageOpen this section


The net amount, excluding VAT, charged for the delivery of goods requested.

When creating an order you can enter the net amount. If your software is set to use a standard amount for carriage then that is suggested for use. Amend as required.

Tip: To set a standard amount for carriage, choose Settings > Invoice and Order Defaults > Footer Defaults tab. Enter the amount in the Net box.

Tax Code

The tax code used to calculate the rate of VAT for the carriage displayed in the VAT box.

When creating an order the tax code associated with the delivery address appears on the Order Details tab. The tax code determines the rate of VAT the carriage attracts based on the where the goods are to be delivered.

Without a delivery address the tax code set on the customer's record appears.

If the code isn't suitable for this invoice, select another using the drop down list.


The VAT due for the carriage, calculated using the values in the Net box and the Tax Code box.

You can amend the VAT to round the total carriage to the amount you want to charge. You may find the total, Net plus VAT, is rounded if you start from a VAT inclusive price. To amend the VAT, your software must be set up to allow this. Choose Settings > Company Preferences then click the VAT tab. In the VAT Details section select the Item VAT Amendable check box.


This shows the gross amount of carriage to be paid,the net plus VAT in total.


Enter the account reference for the nominal code to which the carriage value is to be analysed. You can use the finder to display a list of nominal accounts from which to choose.

Note: If you have chosen to enter a default nominal code to analyse your carriage to in your Invoice and Order Defaults, the default nominal code appears . This can be edited, if required.


If you wish to analyse the carriage to a department, enter the department you require here or select one from the drop-down list.

Note: If you have chosen to enter a default department to analyse your carriage to in your Invoice and Order Defaults, the default department appears. This can be edited, if required.

Consign. No

You can enter a consignment number here.


Select the Courier you are using to despatch the order from this drop-down list box.

Settlement termsOpen this section

GlobalOpen this section

Note: Any entries you make in the global area override any you have already set up for individual items, provided that you have made an entry in the global N/C box.


If you wish to groupthe entire net value of the order to just one nominal account, enter the nominal code in this box.

Use the finder to display a list of nominal accounts, from which to select.

When you enter a nominal code in this box, you activate the whole of the global area. This means that the sales order is analysed automatically to whatever entries you make in the N/C, Details, Tax Code and Dept. boxes in the global area.


Details should be entered to accompany the posting to the nominal ledger if the sales order is to be analysed to one nominal code only. You can enter up to sixty characters. This text appears on your reports.

Tax Code

To analyse the whole order to one VAT code, select the VAT code you require from the drop-down list.


If youwant to group the entire order to just one department, select the department required from the drop-down list. If you do not specify a department, the audit trail is updated with a department number of zero.

Tax analysisOpen this section

Tax Analysis List

The Tax Breakdown list box shows the total tax information for each tax code in use on the order, including Tax Code, Rate, Description, Net and VAT.

To complete the Payment detailsOpen this section

Note: If you are recording a cash sale, there is no need to enter payment details as Sage 50 Accounts does this for you.

  1. From the Sales Order window, click the Payment Details tab.
  2. Enter the Payment Details in the boxes provided.
  3. If you have received a deposit, enter the amount in the Payment Amount.

    If you are using Sage Pay to record a card payment, refer to Receive pay by card payment on a sales order.

  4. Choose how you want the payment to update your records, using the Payment Type options.
  5. Click Save.

Using the VAT Cash Accounting or the UK Flat rate - cash based invoice scheme?

If the payment exceeds the order value the tax liability of the overpayment must be dealt with. Your software records an overpayment as a payment on account. Before the order is saved your software prompts you to apply a tax code to the overpayment. The default tax code from the customer’s record is suggested for use but you can select another from the drop-down list. Alternatively, you can cancel, return to the order and amend the payment to match the order value.

To complete the Despatched tabOpen this section

When you have recorded a delivery of goods using the GDN option, Sage 50 Accounts updates the Sales Order Despatched tab, on the sales order, with information relating to the delivery.

This gives you with the option to trace when you despatched the goods. From the Despatched tab, you can view or print the goods despatched notes or if required you can reverse the goods despatched note.

  1. From within the appropriate sales order, click the Despatched tab.

    Order Status

    The status of the sales order appears here automatically. This may be Full, Part, Canceled or blank. If the status is blank, the order is either complete, or it has no stock allocated to it.

    Despatch Status

    This box shows the despatch status of the order and can be Part or Complete. If you have not yet despatched any items for this order, this box is blank.

    Invoice Status

    If you have updated an invoice for this sales order to the ledgers, a 'Y' appears in this box. If you have not yet updated an invoice for this order to the ledgers, an N appears here.


    If the order is complete, a 'Y' appears in this box. If the order is not yet complete, an 'N' appears here.

    Due Date

    You can enter an estimated despatch due date in this box.

    Note: If the status of the sales order is Complete, you cannot change this date.


    Displays the Intrastat declarations status of the order. This can be:

    • Blank - the order is not Intrastat confirmed.
    • Complete - the order has been fully Intrastat confirmed.
    • Part - only some items on the order have been Intrastat confirmed.

    Note: This box only appears if Intrastat reporting is enabled in Invoice and Order Defaults.

    GDN No

    This column shows the goods despatched note number that Sage 50 Accounts automatically assigns to each despatch.

    Customer GDN No

    If you entered a customer's goods despatched note number for reference purposes, it appears here.


    This column displays the date that you despatched the goods to the customer.


    Displays a 'Y' if you have printed the GDN, or an 'N' if you have not. The column is blank if you have yet to print a GDN.

  2. To view individual goods despatched notes, select the note you want to view from the list and click View. The Goods Despatched Notes window appears, showing the goods despatched note details. You cannot change any of this information.
  3. If you want to print (or reprint) individual goods despatched notes, select the note you want to print from the list and click Print GDN.

    The Preview window appears, showing the goods despatched note details. You can print, save or email the note from this window. Click Close to return to the Despatched tab.

    To exit and return to the Sales Order Processing window, click Close.

To view the Invoices tabOpen this section

You can use the Invoices tab to view a list of invoices that are associated with the current sales order.

Select an invoice from the list, then click View.

The following invoice information appears:

Invoice Number

The invoice number associated with the sales order are shown here.


This column displays the date that the invoice was posted.


Displays the invoice total.

The Sales Order window optionsOpen this section


Accounts Professional - purchase orders only

When you select Save for a new Purchase Order, if you have access rights to Purchase Order Processing, the software prompts you to choose whether to place the purchase order 'On Order' now or later. If you choose 'On Order' now, the purchase order is saved, its status is changed to 'On Order' and you are then prompted to print the order. If you choose the Order Later option (default), the purchase order is saved without running the order process.

If you prefer not to see this prompt, each time you save a purchase order, you can remove it by clearing the 'Prompt to Order Stock when saving a Purchase Order' check box in Settings > Invoice and Order Defaults > General tab.

Accounts Professional - sales orders only

When you select Save for a new Sales Order, if you have access rights to Sales Order Processing, the software prompts you to choose whether to allocate stock to the sales order now or later. If you choose 'Allocate Now', the sales order is saved, and the stock allocation process is run. If you choose the 'Allocate Later' option (default), the sales order is saved without running the stock allocation process.

If you prefer not to see this prompt, each time you save a sales order, you can remove it by clearing the 'Prompt to Allocate Stock when saving a Sales Order' check box in Settings > Invoice and Order Defaults > General tab.

If your Invoice and Order Defaults are set to create a new invoice on saving, the window clears ready for you to enter a new invoice. If your Invoice and Order Defaults are set so that you can edit the saved invoice, the information remains on screen for you to edit.

Pay by Card

Available when using Sage Pay for online payments. Find out more.


Clears the information entered in the window, so you can start again.

Quick Print

Prints the document, but does not update your accounts with the record values.

Quick Print saves you time when generating these documents by removing the need to select a layout every time one is produced. Simply choose the layout you want for each document type and use Quick Print to generate the documents.


Open the Report Browser to select the layout you want to use to generate the document.

You can also choose to update the ledgers.


Accounts Professional - sales and purchase orders only

Process the order so that is it recorded as despatched.

Your software allocates as much stock as possible to the order. If the order can't be completed, an information box appears explaining why. For example, insufficient stock.

An invoice is also created and added to the Invoicing list. This can be updated to your accounts when you are ready.

Cash Sales

When you select Cash Sales you are prompted to confirm that you wish to complete the sales order or invoice as a cash sale.

Rather than record each part of the order process as complete, from stock allocation through to ledger update, the whole order life cycle can be automated by choosing the Cash Sales option, when you create a sales order or a new product or service invoice.

Payment for a cash sale can be received online using Sage Pay.


If a customer regularly orders the same goods/services, you may find it useful to remember the details so that they can be reused.

You can set up your recurring transactions for different time periods, including daily, weekly, monthly and annually. Find out more.


Open details of previously ordered goods/services that have been retained for reuse. Find out more.


Check the profit made.

The profitability is calculated using the cost price from the product record. It is not based on the First In First Out (FIFO) method of product valuation. Find out more.

Send T Mail

Available when using Transaction Email to exchange invoices and orders with your customers and supplier. Find out more.

Irish Republic only: Special legislation exists regarding VAT requirements when sending and receiving invoices and orders by email. For information, see the Revenue website.


Available when you select a number of records from the Invoicing or Order lists - moving backwards through the records.


Available when you select a number of records from the Invoicing or Order lists - moving forwards through the records.


Closes the window.

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